Kiawah Island Marathon, South Carolina
Number of Runners: 31
Elevation: 100
Time: 4:23:37 (27.8 miles*)
Weather: 75 degrees, sunny
Sunday was cool and windy, today was warm and sunny, with hardly a breath of wind. Yesterday there were tens of thousands of people lining the streets, today on Kiawah Island there were just an intimate group of us runners. Yesterday was hurried and stressful, today was breezy and relaxed. While there’s no such thing as an “easy” marathon, today was about as good as it gets.
Kiawah Island is one laid-back place, and the atmosphere at the start was tranquil and easygoing. There was hardly a ruffle of air, the leaves hung lazily from the trees as the morning sun poked through the branches. Birds chirped. Squirrels gathered acorns. Deer grazed on nearby shrubs, unruffled by the crowd. The stillness was broken, however, when the group started off down the road, hooting and hollering as we proceeded on our way.
There was very little traffic on the road, so we got to talking early on. Two of the runners had run with me in Seattle and, on a whim, decided to fly out today to run another (beats sitting at a desk, as one of them put it). Another had come down from Canada (to work on his tan). There was a German athlete celebrating her 50th birthday today, the marathon was a present from her husband, who was also running with us. We had a spirited young couple from Atlanta (“he’s driving home,” she said, “and I’m sleeping”). There were six first-time marathoners, a handful of ultramarathoners, several triathletes, and a member of the Air Force Special Ops, with an insignia on his calf, NSDQ (Night Stalkers Don’t Quit).
The run was quite flat, and remarkably scenic. We passed by several ponds and pristine marshlands, wove through numerous tree-lined streets, ran along a meandering footpath that was shaded by a canopy of green vines and shrubs, and passed by some of the most stunning estates I have ever seen. When we ran past one of the lakes near a golf course, there were two eyes and some flaring nostrils lurking along the surface. Yes, an alligator!
All was going beautifully well, until we missed a turn. I felt so badly for the other runners who followed me the wrong way, but scarcely a grumble was heard as we retraced our steps backwards, except from me. I felt so horrible. When we finally did cross the finish line, my GPS read 27.8* miles. It was my second “ultra” during the Endurance 50, and a fitting conclusion to an otherwise “easy” marathon.
All of the runners today were incredibly upbeat and appreciative, even though I misguided a group of them down the wrong path. One of guys commented that it was his first marathon, his Personal Record, and also his first ultramarathon, all in one day! With an attitude like that, there’s no such thing as a wrong turn, just a few extra training miles among friends.
As my daughter, Alexandria, is fond of saying: “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.”
Always the best,
P.S. Many of you have asked about the “finish party” in New York City on November 5th. Provided I make it that far, all of you are invited! It’s taking place from 12:00-4:00 PM near the NYC Marathon finish at The North Face retail store located at 2101 Broadway (at 73rd), New York, phone number (212) 362-1000. Please swing by if you can!
Click here for Endurance50 pictures.
Click here for Endurance50 videos.
I'm following your journey. Thank you for your inspiration as I continue mine.
My personal story:
In June of 2006 good friends of mine were involved in a terrible car accident. People died and others were seriously hurt. A 7-year old boy was left paralyzed below the waist and a below knee traumatic amputation among other injuries. My wife and I were deeply involved in our friends healing process. One day in July after visiting the young boy in rehab, it occurred to me that this boy would never walk again and here I sit drinking beer wasting my middle age years. At 40, I still had a great deal of life left to live. In what was somewhat a Forest Gump moment, I put on my running shoes and decided I'd run for the two of us, the young paralyzed boy that is. He can't run but I can. It was difficult at first, a mile at a time for the first few weeks. I wanted to quit many days like everyone who set a New Years Eve resolution, but this time was different. I had this young boy in my heart. He kept me running even on cold days or days when every other excuse could be used not to run. Good cries during the run surely had passing drivers wondering.
One mile became two and two became three.
At about the time I was able to run three and a half miles, a much younger , 24 year old co-worker asked me if I wanted to run in the 1/2 marathon he was training for in Toronto. I told him, "are you crazy," 13.1 miles, I'm barley making 3.5. As the days and weeks went by I found myself adding distance, 4 miles, 6, 7 miles and eventually one day I ran 10.3 miles.
I called Matt at corporate and told him I'm in. I went to the toronto marathon website and signed up. I kept training almost every day through August and September and eventually my average run distance approached 6 miles.
At about this time a friend emailed my a U-Tube video about a father and son team who is accomplishing the unbelievable. Team Hoyt's story provided additional motivation. I began to train even harder knowing that if a father can lead his son in so many marathon and triathlon events, I could run a measly 13.1 miles.
As the race date approached I encountered a soleus strain and began physical therapy while I continued to train. It was painful for the first few miles, but eventually turned into a dull ache for the remaining miles of each run.
I ran the Toronto 1/2 marathon on October 15th, 2006 and beat my personal goal of finishing in under 2 hours, at a time of 1:50. Truly a life experience amongst 4000+ runners.
When I returned, I signed up for another 1/2 marathon, the Fall Classic in Cleveland and hope to beat my earlier time. Since October 15th, I've been running almost every day and now my average daily run is approaching 8.5 miles.
It was at this time when an article appeared in the Cleveland Plain Dealer about a man who was running 50 marathons in 50 days in 50 states. Dean Karnazes was an inspiration to get me to the next level. When ever I feel like stopping the run Dean enters my mind and I think I can keep going.
I don't like the winter weather, but with the help of some cold weather running gear, I continue to train. Based on my training and progress we'll see about the full Cleveland Marathon or at the very least the half. My personal goal would be to enter and complete a full marathon in 2007; maybe it will be the Cleveland Marathon.
My motto is "Personal Best," and with my legs I will always carry my young friend with me as we cross every finish line.
October 30 Update:
Last week I ran a total of 48 miles, with two days at 12 and 14 miles. I am sure I'll be ready for the Cleveland Full Marathon, so I signed up this evening. I look forward to the event.
David Chippi
32184 Teasel Court
Avon Lake, OH 44012
Posted by: David Chippi | Monday, October 30, 2006 at 05:36 PM
Question to Liz Wood. Liz with no disrespect, 50/50/50 seems to be confusing you, however you email is confusing me. Your words seems a little harsh to this amazing gentleman on a mission. Granted I am in Melbourne Australia, and am not overly famailiar with American politics(please excuse that) pehaps thats why I'm missing an integral piece to this.None the less I'm feeling a little protective of Dean, I don't think pressure on him is a good idea in these key and vital stages of his commendable crusade. It feels as though some of what you write belittles what he is about. Just to reiterate, I have no wish to upset you in writting this. Perhaps a bit more clarity, perhaps I have have it all wrong? Regards Cathy
Posted by: Cathy Maguire | Monday, October 30, 2006 at 06:42 PM
Hi Dean,
Good luck as you approach the finish line of your journey! I have nothing but utmost respect for you and your cause. You are a tremendous inspiration for everyone out there in encouraging them to live their dreams. I ran the Chicago Marathon last Sunday but unfortunately I didn't manage to see you, due to the masses of people who participated. All the best!
Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
- 1 Corinthians 9:25
Posted by: Feng | Monday, October 30, 2006 at 07:01 PM
Boy- I wish I could have been there than with the throngs of people in DC on Sunday! I certainly am enjoying the smaller, more intimate runs. 34,000 others runners plus 100,000+ spectators is way too much for my taste anymore! It took me an hour just to get on the metro to get back to my hotel! I miss Dean and the crew :-(
Posted by: joyce | Monday, October 30, 2006 at 09:16 PM
What do you mean "if you make it to NYC"??? HA!
My man you should be able to see the finish line from here, the rest of us can!! While there were only a few fortunate ones that actually ran the race with you there are thousands more that have enjoyed the journey.
Take care my friend and be careful taking those last few steps. We are all there with you.
Steve Hearst
Posted by: steve hearst | Monday, October 30, 2006 at 09:28 PM
You are a tremendous inspiration to all. I was so happy to see you on that Sunday morning show (Can't remember the name of the show for the life of me).
Since reading your book you have inspired me to take on a cause. I have finally found one. I have committed to running a race a month for a year culminating at the Steamtown Marathon in Scranton PA. This is to benefit a local children's hospital. I have been working with the hospital to shore things up.
I am in no way as fit/fast as you. But with the mantra "keep putting one foot in front of the other" that I got from you I will complete this adventure. Hopefully, this will inspire others of "questionable" fitness to get out and get into shape.
You rock man! Keeping kicking butt all the way to NYC!
Mike Hall
Rochester, NY
Posted by: Mike Hall | Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at 05:59 AM
Hey Dean... howzit? Gotta say I find it simply amazing that anyone could run so much for so many days in a row. And your humble attitude is just unreal. Thanks for doing what your doing. I personally have started running just this year... planning to do a half marathon next year for the Omaha-marathon. Training started to get in shape for a physical exam as an applicant for a local fire department. Didn't get on, but I feel 110% better. Thanks for being such an ecouragement, and God bless you and yours.
P.S. I thought it was incredible when your son finished 9 miles with you... and he's only 9 years old. Man! Awesome.
Take care,
Posted by: Ray Burbine | Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at 06:31 AM
Hi Dean,
Keep up the good work!!! You make me want to work hard. Thanks for the motivation.
Best of luck,
Huntington Beach, California
Posted by: Chrissy Bridges | Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at 07:26 AM
Keep Running Hard!!!!! My Uncle ran with you in Atlanta and said you rock!!!! Have a great finish in NYC! Thanks for all the inspiration!!!
Posted by: Eugene O'Donnell | Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at 08:45 AM
I want to thank Dean and all the runners that participated in the Kiawah Island run. As Dean said, no marathon is ever easy, but Monday was the most enjoyable marathon I have ever run. Everyone out there was having a great time, enjoying the weather and the commradare. I think what Dean is doing is inspiring to so many people on so many different levels. What I kept hearing was "If Dean can do 50 marathons I can...." I can run further today or train harder this week. Or even just excersise today and eat better. Dean even eats organic cookies on his run. Man when you run 50 marathons I think you deserve to eat just about anything you want.
I encourage everyone to spread the word, eat right, excersise often and enjoy life.
"Life is good"
Posted by: Erich Chatham | Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at 10:06 AM
Hi Dean,
Just wanted to let you know you've made the "big time!: My 9-yr old son, Liam, dressed up as you today for Halloween! His outfit included a race bib, hat, running shoes and all the other usual gear. He is having fun explaining who you are and what you're doing. We've been fans of yours for the past couple of years. Thank you for all the inspiration! You are awesome!
Posted by: Diane Forrest | Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at 11:28 AM
I'm a confessed runner geek who tracks pretty much every aspect of his training. With that in mind, a question... the math is easy to see that 26.2 x 7 = 183.4 miles per week that you are running in your 50 marathon streak. Are you running any additional miles via warmup/cooldown? I'm wondering what your true weekly mileage has been during this time.
Posted by: Paul | Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at 01:33 PM
I hope Dean reads this!
Dean, you truly are an inspiration to me. Your achievements have been monumental. Almost unreachable, for me, in my mind as a runner to this point. I had the awesome opportunity to run with you in Des Moines earlier in your quest for 50/50/50!
You mentioned earlier in the blogs (Florida) that you weren't sure what you were doing at the end of the Endurance 50, that you're having so much fun, "why stop" you said.
Dean, DON'T STOP!! Turn around in NY and return home. Not by air or car, but by doing the very thing you do best. The thing that is inspiring thousands and has raised so much money for children in need, "RUN"! You're making this so much more than an Endurance 50! Turn around in New York, start running home and make this "Endurance America"! I don't know that you've ever completed a Trans American run or not. But, you know, you've gone this far, why stop now?
Thank you for inspiring me to go beyond myself and for showing me that it can be done. Thank you for making me a better person and in turn, for making my family a healthier, closer family.
In your own words Dean, "Long May You Run"!
Still running towards the sunset,
Bryan Schlotterback in Iowa.....
Posted by: Bryan Schlotterback | Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at 03:16 PM
Hello Cathy
I'll be happy to address your concern. I come from a different world than you do so let me fill you in on my intent.
I also mean no respect to Dean Karanzas. I have been an ultrarunner since 1994 and an very familiar with the culture and mindset of ultrarunners. I am not at all in any way trying to diss his accomplishment by saying he is not really completing a 50/50/50. I admire this and breath a sigh of relief because I know that many people both runners and non runners are going to benefit from his accomplishment. America today has many issues both locally and internationally. By completing his event Dean is motivating people to iniate positive changes for both themselves and their communities.
By completing his event there are 5 perifial things to note: 1) Dean has gained much respect and admiration. Along with that he has also gained important clout and power, that if weilded, could help many many more than have been helped already. 2) This means he has national media coverage 3) Since he has met with people all over the country he knows what issues are important to American people; he knows where we ache (and I'm not talking sore muscles) 4) Election day here is November 7 and if Dean were to pick a cause that needs attention, he could be very powerful in bringing in national support for any key issues 5) Washington DC residents have liscense tags that say "Taxation without Representation"-- so I was suggesting he not underrepresent DC and that he run a 51st marathon there. Afterwards if he made a statement about support for Cancer Research or Bad roads in New Mexico or Lack of fitness facilities for senior citizens in Florida--it might help those issues get addressed ( these are just examples not necessairly realy problems).
Does this answer your question?
Regards, Liz Wood
Posted by: Liz Wood | Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at 04:17 PM
I want to thank you for taking a couple minutes to answer questions from my sports medicine class after the Kiawah Marathon. In preparation for the field trip, my class researched endurance training and, of course, have tracked your progress during the 50/50/50.
I was able to run the first 13 miles with you before meeting my class and the experience was absolutely surreal. Your accomplishments are an inspiration, not only with the latest endeavor, but your entire running history.
One of my students started reading your book aloud on the way back to the school after meeting you at Kiawah. The students were so into the book, they asked if I would bring it back and allow them to read it to each other in class! I went out and bought each student a copy and they were thrilled! Thank you for being a role model and proving that you can accomplish great things if you just put your mind to it and believe in yourself!
Posted by: Heather Wayne | Saturday, November 04, 2006 at 09:29 AM
Dean, congratulations to your finish of endurance 50.Thomas and I appreciated a lot that we had the chance to meet you and were a part of your running family on Kiawah Island. You inspired me to continue with running and working on my book. There was no better way to celebrate my 50th birthday. I wish you will always keep on with actions that will inspire people to go out for a run.
Good Luck for the future Thomas and Marita
Posted by: Marita Ritter | Monday, November 06, 2006 at 09:11 AM
Dean what you are doing is unbelievable!!
I could not run 1 mile a year ago and Dec 9th I am running the Kiawah Marathon, my first marathon! I am nervous and think I cant do it. I followed an 18 week program, with my longest run being 20 miles. do you think I am not mentally prepared?
Thanks for the inspiration!!
Posted by: Fio Brittingham | Saturday, December 02, 2006 at 11:01 AM