Let me start by saying that I have just been blown away by the response to this event. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever anticipated such an overwhelming show of encouragement and support. I want to extend a warm "Thank You" to all of you that have left such heartfelt messages. Any inspiration that I may have provided along the way has been more than reciprocated upon reading these many wonderful and enthusiastic notes.
I’m looking forward to seeing a lot of you during the tour, and I’m so glad that we spent the extra years of planning and preparation to make the necessary accommodations for other runners to join in the adventure. The Endurance 50 is a celebration of healthy, active living, a celebration of life, really. Since its inception years ago, I’ve always wanted others to be able to join in along the way and share the spirit of camaraderie, the way we wacky runners do. Lance has written: “It’s not about the bike.” I would say that the Endurance 50 is not about the run. It’s about the wonderful people and experiences along the way, and the grand memories that will last a lifetime.
Now on to some specifics:
The Endurance 50 is about inclusion. We will make every effort to accommodate runners fast and slow. The anticipated full-marathon pace is 4-5 hours. That may be slow for some, and really pushing it for others. But again, we’re not out to set any records, this event is about getting people involved and participating in running.
Should you not want to run the entire marathon, that is okay. The important thing is that you do what you can, that you expand your own personal limits of endurance. If you’d like to run the first 10K, or even the first mile for that matter, that is absolutely fine. We are asking that you still register so that we know how many people will be joining the event.
Many of you have asked if I will be available for photo’s and to sign copies of my book before and after the run. The answer is an unequivocal, yes. It will be an honor to meet and mingle with the many of you who have been so supportive over the years. Indeed, more than the running, I am looking forward to meeting all of you terrific people.
The purpose of the Endurance 50 is to encourage and inspire folks young and old to get outside and live healthier, more active lives. Karno Kids was formed in response to the deteriorating health of our nation. The costs of our inactivity and poor diet are staggering, not just in terms of direct medical costs, but in quality of life. The Endurance 50 is largely a wake-up call to this great nation that we need to take back our health. Karno Kids is dedicated to this mission, and the contributions raised will go directly to those organizations that support this goal.
Girls on the Run is one such organization. Physical Education is being cut from our schools at an alarming pace, and Girls on the Run provides an outlet for young, primarily at-risk inner city girls to experience the joys and freedom of running. Karno Kids is working with local and state governments to get Physical Education back into our schools, so that “No child is left inside.”
As some of you know, my Mom has just retired as a public middle school teacher for the past 28 years. She, along with my Dad, will be home schooling my two children during the Endurance 50. We are a very close family, still sticking to our Greek heritage, and I wouldn’t dream of doing this event alone. My children’s respective schools have been extremely supportive in providing the necessary lesson plans, and my kids will be interacting with their classmates, and other kids across the country, via email and blog postings. And yes, they will also be doing some running along the way!
Keep the spirit alive.
Best to you all,
Dean Karnazes
Dean, what you are doing is very inspiring. Recently some co-workers and I decided we wanted to do something to raise $ for the Challenged Athletes Foundation. One of the more zealous members of our staff suggested participating in a tri-athalon relay. I was hesitant as I haven't excercised a day since I had my son 4 years ago. However when I read about what you're doing I thought, "if this guy can run 50 races in 50 days, what's stopping me from running a 10K relay?" So, today I laced up my tennis shoes and ran my first 1.2 miles without stopping. It felt great! Thanks for the inspiration!
Posted by: Shii Stickler | Friday, July 21, 2006 at 12:26 PM
We have had the privilege to meet you several times and each time you have been a class act. If I come out of the SF Marathon (that you will be hosting) on July 30th with no/minimal injuries, I will surely sign up for the SF Marathon leg of your Endurance 50 adventure. Keep up the great work!
Posted by: Jay B | Friday, July 21, 2006 at 02:22 PM
writing from singapore! hv read your book and interviews in RW - you are an inspiration and an encouragement to many. hv fun and take care at the endurance 50! and please stay whacky!!!
great book, great work!
Posted by: dennis | Friday, July 21, 2006 at 07:34 PM
Hello Dean,
Sins I read your book, live has not been the same for me, it has chance in to some kind of a amazing live, where I fell that I can do everything - thanks.
I have bean watching you now for the last year or so, hey and good luck in Badwater tomorrow and have a fantastic time in Endurance 50:-)
Kind regards,
Posted by: Asgeir - Iceland - Ísland | Sunday, July 23, 2006 at 02:58 PM
Dean - tell us about your training and nutrition plan for this awesome undertaking.
I see that you won the Vermont 100 mile endurance run last weekend in UNDER 16-1/2 HOURS!
See you out there and best of luck.
Rob Hoy
Posted by: Rob Hoy | Sunday, July 23, 2006 at 03:13 PM
Dean, I'm an Ironman, but seeing the level of endurance you have makes Ironman look like a 10K run.
I will be looking into ultramarathon now, read your book and one of the best remarks you made is that I never felt worse after a run than when I started, its true running always makes you feel better.
Good luck, I'm from Israel so won't be able to join you.
Posted by: David | Monday, July 24, 2006 at 12:05 AM
Dean, I saw the sidebar on you in this month's Esquire and it reminded me to read up on the Endurance 50. What a nice surprise to find out you'll be wrapping things up in my little burg. I am already entered in the NYC Marathon this year and am stoked that both you and Lance will be out among us runners.
I am setting up a fluids/fuels cache for my friends and myself at my house, which is on the route at mile 5.5. We'll be able to drop extra clothes and pick up our own hydration & gels - less to haul out to Staten Island. You're welcome to stash things there, too; just email me.
Posted by: Cris Dopher | Monday, July 24, 2006 at 09:31 AM
Just signed up for Tampa! Thanks for the info on pace, etc. I am running my first ultra on the 14th a 50k, so I am not sure about the shape I will be in for the Tampa run, but I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'll just have to re-read Ultramarathon man for inspiration.
Posted by: John Stump | Tuesday, July 25, 2006 at 05:19 PM
Hey Karno,
I am signing up to run with you in Anchorage. I'm from North Pole AK. I wanted to let you know it has been a pleasure reading your book (Actual first book I read cover to cover) Thanks for sharing your personal story's and inspiring us all to new levels. In just the past two years running has changed my life. I am on the road to reach new heights and I thank you for challenging us all to see where we can go if we only apply our hearts, body and soul. Your right it’s truly amazing the support people give when you set out to accomplish your dreams. You rock man. Take care.
Jason De Heus
Posted by: Jason De Heus | Thursday, July 27, 2006 at 09:09 AM
Posted by: Jeffrey Yauney | Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 09:04 PM
Hi Dean,
I wrote to you when I got my hands on an advance copy of your book to tell you how inspired I was, and that I had returned to running after a 20 year hiatus and letting myself get 110 lbs overweight.
I've since successfully run 2 half marathons, and am signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon (a first!) so will look for you there!
You continue to inspire me to push myself every day! Thanks and see you soon!
Posted by: Sheila | Monday, August 14, 2006 at 01:36 PM
Dean, I turned 50 this year and after running 10k's for the last 20 years, I am training to run my first marathon in October. I received for my birthday a signed copy of your book from my friend TeriAnn who met you at a book signing in Torrance, California. I enjoyed your book so much. Thanks for being an inspiration to all of us runners!
Posted by: Diane White | Wednesday, September 06, 2006 at 12:24 PM
Looking forward to running with you in Baltimore. Good luck with the Endurance 50. You inspire us all to push the limits, the day I signed up to run with you I felt compelled to test myself and have increased my training thanks to your motivation. See you November 1st.
Posted by: Kenneth | Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at 09:28 AM
Hi Dean !
I am 54 years old and have been running for over 30 yrs. My first marathon was in Itasca, IL at the age of 23, and the guess speaker was Joan Benoit (who would of ever knew then)!!
I have followed her over the years and will do the same for you after seeing your remarkable film. The group I run with on saturdays all went to see it, how we could relate to all of it.
What a inspiration to young and old. I feel the same way, SOMETHING needs to be done with the overweight children in our society. I was always athlete and did not have a problem keeping and enjoying being active. EVERY CHILD should see this film. It is to bad you can't get this in every school. It would truly make a difference to so many children on a life long change for them. "Only need one person to make a difference in a childs life" Best to you and your continuing heartfelt desires of running! And thank you for doing what you do. Regards, Rita Nardella
Posted by: Rita | Friday, August 01, 2008 at 09:22 PM