Wow.I've been completely overwhelmed by all the terrific messages coming in. Many thanks to those of you who've written, and I look forward to meeting you out on the road!
Here are a few to share -
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Dear Dean,
You are a great inspiration. I look forward to seeing you in Chicago!
Keep going,
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Hey Karno,
I just signed up to run with you in Florida. Can't wait!
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What you are doing is remarkable. Keep up the great work, and see you in New Jersey.
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We will ABSOLUTELY watch your progress online: we're currently living in South Korea, and won't be able to witness or join any of your races. I happened upon your blog while searching for motivation to keep running. I think it's safe to say I found some! We admire your courage and tenacity.
Mike and Kat
Posted by: Kat Foust | Friday, June 02, 2006 at 12:03 AM
I tell people about the Endurance 50 and they dont believe me. You really are the pioneer of running. I'll see you in Dallas.
Posted by: Clifton Ellis | Monday, June 05, 2006 at 12:55 PM
I have told other runners about the Endurance 50 and they can't believe or they don't believe it. You got me hooked. I'm right behind you so look out! See you in Dallas
Posted by: Clifton Ellis | Monday, June 05, 2006 at 12:57 PM
Hey, I just want to say what an inspiration you have been to me. Other runner friends dont or cant believe me when I tell them what your doing. You got me hooked.Oh, and be careful, I'm 24 and following in your footsteps. See you in Dallas buddy
Posted by: Clifton Ellis | Monday, June 05, 2006 at 01:27 PM
What an amazing feat! I knew St. George was going to be a marathon to remember, but it will be truly inspiring to share the pavement with you this year.
Diana Johnson
Posted by: Diana | Monday, June 05, 2006 at 06:55 PM
I'm only in Middle School but yet I want to run hundreds of miles like you. Hopefully someday I can run that far. When I'm tired on an eight mile run i will just remember you!
Best Wishes,
Posted by: Alex Kohn | Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 05:09 PM
I just checked your web Endurance 50, and I am excited for you. I will follow your race and maybe I can come and join you on day 11, in Fargo, N.D. the closest marathon to my area.
I want to wish you all the best. Also have a great Badwater race in July. I will send you a report on my Marathon des Sables experience soon. I really like your mission statement.
You are a great inspiration to me and many other runners. Keep it up.
Albert Martens
Steinbach, Manitoba
Posted by: Albert Martens | Thursday, June 08, 2006 at 09:31 AM
Will you be providing more info on what your weekday (non-competition) marathons will be like? If we register to run with you, will there be a police escort, closed streets, any support, or is the plan to follow the route and all traffic signals, while carrying water?
Posted by: Dave | Saturday, June 10, 2006 at 12:25 PM
Hey Dean!
You ROCK!!! You are an inspiration to all of us.
I'm a tennis player but I run a few miles here and there to stay in shape. I can't imagine running over 300 miles-- straight! You defy human limitations. Keep it up. You're amazing.
One of your many admirers,
Emma--- See you in Michigan!
Posted by: Emma | Sunday, June 11, 2006 at 06:07 AM
I'll see you in the D-town. October 10th! I can't wait, I'm bringing friends.
Posted by: Clifton Ellis | Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 03:02 PM
You are an unbelievable inspiration. I read your book and gave it to my 14 year old daughter to read. It has literally changed her life. I started running at the age of 40 to set an example for may daughters and challenge them to think healthier. My routine has made some impact, but your story and incredible accomplishments have ignited their spirit.
Thank you for your amazing determination and spirit.
Run with Heart
P.S My daughters, Sarah and Katy say, Hi!
Posted by: Marcus | Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 03:13 PM
I finished the Disney World marathon after 18 weeks of training, during which I lost 25 pounds -- I've kept the weight off, although I'm still 6-foot-3, 233.
The catch: I got injured during training (patellar tendinitus)...Three weeks before the marathon, I started a serious taper. I stopped running altogether and switched to swimming, hoping my knee would heal in time.
I just didn't have the heart to pull out of the marathon. I had been blogging my experience for the local paper here in Fort Myers Florida (, and I didn't want to fail. Also, I raised $2,800 for a mission trip to Africa in the process, and I just didn't want to let anybody down who had sponsored me.
So on a chilly January morning, with 14,000 others, I started to run, only to come up lame in about mile No. 2. In an instant during which time seemed to be suspended, I decided to go for it rather than back out.
I began to walk. And walk I did, for about 24 more miles.
The marathon had a 7-hour time limit. Well, I finished in 6:55.31, in 9,991st place.
For some reason, I felt as if I had finished in first place, because in failing to actually run the marathon, I achieved something far greater than what I had set out to succeed. (For the record, I did complete an 18-mile training run in three hours, before getting hurt).
I wish you luck on your upcoming journey, and I would like to thank you for motivating me during my own.
David Dorsey
Posted by: David Dorsey | Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 07:45 PM
I just finished reading your book. My exposure to your "will not quit" drive is the shot in the arm i needed to get going again with my own running aspirations.
Thanks for the boost.
Good luck and best wishes for all your endevors.
Posted by: Dillon Graham | Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 03:04 PM
I saw you at Big Sur, and San Diego, and now it appears I'll join you at the Chicago and New York marathons as well. Thank you for your inspiration!
Posted by: William Tichenor | Thursday, June 15, 2006 at 11:04 AM
Hi Dean (Karno)
I'm a former teacher and big sister to one of your S.C. highschool surfing buddies. I wanted to bring my highschool aged daughter to your book signing last year but we couldn't make it. I'm sorry she missed the opportunity to see a real life former teenager who is(and must have always been)extraordinary but has become an inspirational figure. What is very cool is that you demonstrate the significance of personal goals and choices. They will always have an effect way beyond yourself.
Go Dean! Teachers, parents, and teens like to believe in this limits!
Thanks for sharing!
(formerly) Ms. Squire
Posted by: Susie Squire (Packer) | Thursday, June 15, 2006 at 10:56 PM
Greetings Dean,
I just finished reading Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner and found it both fasinating and inspiring. I really hadn't done any serious running until 11/05 (I was 37yrs old). In Feb of '05 I was almost 300lbs (at 5'11") and I am now 196lbs and just finished my first marathon 6/3/06. I NEVER thought I would ever run as much as I did to train for the marathon. But now that I have, I have a unexplainable desire to run even farther distances. That's why I checked out your book for the library. I read it about as fast as I have ever read a book (I'm not much of a book reader). I stayed up past midinght a couple of nights reading it (the Western 100 & the "relay" for Libby). I was checking out your website today and read about your 50 marathons, in 50 states in 50 consecutive days and thought WOW! Then I look at the route and discovered that the second marathon I signed up for is your 15th one ~ the Portland Oregon Marathon. I was stoked! I couldn't believe I would be running in the same marathon as you! If I get to see you that would be cool. If I actually got to meet you that would be WAY cool. Maybe I will get lucky.
Anyway, sorry this is a long post, but I just had to share with you that your goal in this: "... encourage, motivate and inspire people of all ages...", is being realized in my new found love for running. You helped me to see that my running doesn't have to be fun to be enjoyable. Many enjoyable miles to you on this endurence run and hope to meet you in Portland Oregon on Oct 1, 2006.
Mahalo nui loa (thank-you very much)
Aloha, Roy Young
PS Happy Father's Day. I have 6 kids of my own.
Posted by: Roy Young | Saturday, June 17, 2006 at 08:10 PM
I don't understand how it is possible to accomplish what you are setting out to do! Amazing! I just ran my first 2 marathons in 2 consecutive MONTHS (not DAYS!) and my body is begging for a little rest. I can't wait to read all about your experiences and see how it is done. Good luck! I'll see you in Portland!
Posted by: Suzie Petunia | Saturday, June 17, 2006 at 11:32 PM
I read your book last year, fantastic! You have motivated me to run my first ultra this fall. I would like to hear more about your diet and training. Best of luck on your 50/50, even though I know you don’t need any luck.
Posted by: Kenny Young | Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 05:49 AM
My brother gave me your book, and I didn't know what to expect at first. Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. It's all so very fascinating and inspirational to me. Your accomplishments, etc., have become a topic of conversation with my friends. haha :)
I'm really excited about the endurance run. Hopefully my brother and I will get to run with you in Bloomington, IN! If not, I definitely want help out or do something!
Go Team Dean!
Posted by: Rachel | Wednesday, June 21, 2006 at 09:32 PM
You are amazing. I am inspired to start my own walk/run on a regular basis. I have set a modest goal of running 3 miles every day for next 30 days to start with. I intend to complete a half marathon and of possible marathon in next 1 year or so.
As you rightly say, health is wealth and we need physical activity in this modern fast pasced world
Posted by: RPV | Sunday, June 25, 2006 at 07:03 PM
You are amazing. I am inspired to start my own walk/run on a regular basis. I have set a modest goal of running 3 miles every day for next 30 days to start with. I intend to complete a half marathon and of possible marathon in next 1 year or so.
As you rightly say, health is wealth and we need physical activity in this modern fast pasced world
Posted by: RPV | Sunday, June 25, 2006 at 07:05 PM
I am currently on a hiatus from running due to bilateral torn medial meniscus'. But I am still walking 1 hour daily until my upcoming surgeries. I cant wait to start running again! I am 48 years young and running has kept me in better shape than ALL of my peers @ work. run on....
Posted by: robin m | Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at 01:44 AM
I was pleased to see that the Marine Corps Marathon is on the list (I registered for it about four weeks ago) -- see you on day 43!
Posted by: Irith B. | Friday, June 30, 2006 at 10:59 AM
Hey Dean! Saw you in Boston signing autographs & will see you in San Francisco. I bought your book last year & am amazed of your incredible accomplishments. What I truly admire is that you keep your family first! I shared your next goal of 50-50-50 to my HS students in my computer classes--up on my LCD projector. They were in awe. We will definitely be following you this fall. Hope to meet you in San Francisco. Good luck in Badwater--just a training run!
Posted by: Lynda Petri | Friday, June 30, 2006 at 08:59 PM
I met you at the INC NY City Marathon Expo last year, and you have been an inspiration for me since then. I ran only 7 marathons so far, but have done countless other races and triathlons. You're achievements are just amazing! Keep running strong, and I will be running with you on the 50th marathon, in New York City.
Best of luck,
Posted by: Peter Karoczkai | Saturday, July 01, 2006 at 06:09 PM